Renewable Energy
Over the years, renewable energy, clean or“green” energy, sustainability, and corporate responsibility have becomeprimary business concerns, with a measurable impact on consumer and investorinterest in all types of businesses.
The Purpose &Values of RCG are always excited to be part of an industry that istransitioning the world to a low carbon future. Because of the nature of whatwe do, we attract passionate people who want to make a difference and leave theworld a better place.
RCG continually updates it's engineering anddevelopment assets and skillsets to adapt them to the renewable energy sector,tapping into the world’s fastest-growing energy sector and confirming ourcommitment to sustainability and minimizing environmental impacts. Worldwiderenewable energy production is expected to grow by about 2.5% each year through 2040, and we are eager to have an important and growing role in that growthtrend.
RCG is focused on the renewable energy technologiesthat most naturally adhere to our core activities through the development of
· SolarPower Plants,
· WindEnergy Plants,
· Waterto Energy Plants like Bio-Gas, Biomass.
In the recent past years, Oil & Gasprices remain volatile while the cost of renewables continues to fall. Solar PVis now cheaper than Oil and Gas for new power projects in several markets includingthe MENA Region, as is wind where resources are strong.
RCG with its Strategic Partners as part of continuouslyupdating to latest business sectors is offering world-class state-of-the-art technologiesin manufacturing Solar Panels and its accessories at a very competitive price.
In recent years, MENA regions also continueto develop their ability to integrate more and more renewables at anoperational level – building the institutional capacity through newauthorities, policies, high subsidies, regulations, and tariffs. This nowincludes de-centralized renewable energy generation as seen in several MiddleEast Growing Economies solar rooftop scheme as well as more integrated resourceplanning.